Easy and yummy! Veggies, beans, and cheese sandwiched in tortillas. You could add or substitute any vegetables that you'd like. Serve with sour cream and...
The best tacos! A soft shell taco is layered with refried beans, then wrapped around a hard shell taco, which is filled with seasoned ground beef and topped...
A delicious, minimal prep recipe to serve as a side dish with dinner, or for company! My husband would live on this if I let him, and our entire family...
This is a fantastically easy and delicious chicken dish, basically made with onions, white wine, heavy cream and Dijon mustard. Your family will feel like...
This cold salad is easy to make and great for prepping healthier options for the week's lunches or snacks. I like to add some heat by mixing sriracha or...
This a great way to use pumpkin in your cooking rather than your baking. The flavor of the pumpkin doesn't come out very strong and if you didn't know...
A mouthwatering puree of Taro Leaves and crab served over rice or as a soup, it will leave you wanting more. If taro leaves are not available, you may...
This is a decidedly American version of moo shu chicken, but fast to make! The Mandarin pancakes, also called moo shu shells, can be found in almost any...
I've been making chicken fajitas on the stove with packaged taco seasoning for years but always had so much clean up afterwards. This was not only better...
Ground meat, tomatoes and corn with a little spice creates a quick meal everyone loves. My husband usually requests a double batch! The ground turkey can...
Chapli kebab is a form of kebabs widely popular in Pakistan. Mixed together with a South Asian blend of spices, the beef is flattened into circles and...
Better than already prepared types because you can make it to your taste. I use the bulk baggie spices in the Mexican food aisle, they're so much less...
This is the signature drink at my in-law's home. My father-in-law developed a taste for margaritas made from scratch during the summer they spent in Zihuatanejo...
A simple and spicy curry that tastes great with steamed sticky rice, wide noodles, or naan bread. Serve with a dollop of mozzarella (burrata, if you have...
This is a great 'guy' recipe, because you simply mix, assemble, top and bake; and it's a big hit on the table. It doesn't require lots of prep work, just...
Chicken thighs baked with a sweet, garlicky oyster sauce mixture. The easiest recipe to fix when expecting unexpected company! They'll love you forever!...
Traditional Italian limoncello is typical of the Amalfi coast, a beautiful area around Naples. It's traditionally made with Sorrento lemons, which are...
There are many variations of picadillo. This is a savory and traditional Cuban home-cooked meal with ingredients that are readily available in any supermarket....
Delicious rich, dark, semi-sweet double chocolate biscotti that you can make at home for a fraction of the cost of store bought biscotti, and they even...